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Annapurna Short Trek

1162    12/14/2014    Sporting Goods    568  / 

The region is lies north part from Famous lake city Pokhara. Short and sweet trek of Annapurna region being popular now days because of spectacular mountains scenery of whole Annapurna range as well as charming cultural villages. The trek is relatively easier and risk free of altitude sickness. The treks offer additional adventure walking through streams, forests with spectacular views of mount Dhaulagiri, Annapurna, Nilgiri, Fishtail and other famous mountains. The trek can be done in every season.

Trip Outlines:
Day 01: Arrive Kathmandu and Transfer to Hotel
Day 02: Kathmandu Valley Sightseeing of Worls Heritage Sites.
Day 03: Drive or Fly to pokhara and sightseeing around beautiful lake city pokhara
Day 04: Drive from Pokhara to Nayapool 1070m and Trek to Ghandruk 1940m
Day 05: Rest day at Ghandruk 1940m
Day 06: Trek from Ghandruk to Landruk
Day 07: Trek from Landruk to Australian camp
Day 08: Hike to Kande and drive to Pokhara
Day 09: Fly or Drive from Pokhara to Kathmandu
Day 10: Final Departure

Note: The itinerary can be changed or customized according to your duration of holidays & as per your requirements.

PRICE : 560.00 USD


Mr. Pradip Sharma

Thamel Kathmandu Nepal

Thamel, Kathmandu, Bagmati - P.O.Box no: 19133, Nepal



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