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What Causes Breakage And Spilt Ends In Your Hair?

36381    11/28/2020    Beauty Salons    122  / 

Gorgeous hair is an asset. The best part about hair is that even if you cut it, it only grows back. Styling it in different ways gives you a whole new look. A haircut at regular intervals transforms your look drastically and makes you look like a new person. You become a new version of old you. A hair spa rejuvenates and restores the condition and luster of your hair. All your hair needs can be met easily in one place, the best hair salon in frisco texas,Lawish Beauty Salon.

Lawish Beauty Salon brings your hair back to life with its incredible hair spa service, along with styling and cutting it to suit your unique style. Grooming and styling have a new name with Lawish coming to existence. It is a hair salon in frisco texas, that tends to your every beauty, grooming, and hair needs.

Grooming and styling your hair is taken care of by Lawish, your very own hair salon in frisco texas. But your hair needs more than just styling and a good hair cut. A stunning hair cut or styling your hair following the latest trend are the by-products of great hair. Your hair may have the potential to grow, but there are chances where it breaks and has split ends, which might not seem so appealing and have unhealthy consequences on your hair. More than just the looks, your hair deserves care. A complete routine where you restore, retain and rejuvenate its every property by nourishing it deeply.

The causes of hair damage and split ends are many. Different factors contribute to hair breakage and split ends in the hair. From environmental factors to psychological, all of these have the potential to damage your beautiful locks. Don’t you worry; this blog post will explain in detail how you can improve your hair condition without losing your mind over it. For the rest of your hair-styling and grooming requirements, the trick is simple; you just need to visit a hair salon in frisco texas.

Here are some of the common causes for split ends and breakage of hair:

1) Diet : Like any other system or organ, your hair needs proper nutrition for its healthy growth. A well-proportioned diet with the right amount of vitamins, minerals, and nutrients results in retaining the original condition of the hair. Nutritional deficiencies often make hair brittle and dull, which eventually leads to hair loss if deficiencies aren’t fulfilled with a balanced diet. Vitamin D, biotin, omega-3 fatty acids, protein, zinc, and iron are essential elements for the healthy growth of hair.

2) Stress : Telogen effluvium is a condition that is associated with hair loss. Immense stress makes the roots inactive, which halts the growth of the hair. The more the stress, the more hair loss. So one should calm down and control their stress levels to minimize hair loss and breakage.

3) Heat styling tools and products: Exposure to heat styling tools often turn hair dry and brittle. Heat styling tools deprive the hair of its natural shine and moisture. Chemicals in the hair products like shampoos, conditioners, hair serums, hair coloring products, etc., have harsh chemicals which can weaken your hair, which eventually breaks along with losing it luster. Avoid all the tools and products that contain harmful chemicals for the hair so that your hair can retain its natural healthy condition.

4)Over brushing, over processing and over washing : Anything in excess isn’t healthy for your hair. Oily scalp is no excuse for over-washing your hair as it would make your hair weak and dull. Regular coloring, perms, professional straightening, and relaxers can make your hair shiny and look beautiful, but they fail to keep it healthy. Over-processing your hair by using these services causes the breakdown of the cuticle leading to hair damage. Brushing your hair is good, but over-brushing your hair only damages it. Your hair needs brushing as often as it is styled and not more.

5) Thyroid Disorder: People who suffer from Thyroid disorder experience shedding of hair. It also causes their hair to become brittle, dull, and dry. So Thyroid can be one of the reasons for heavy hair fall and hair damage.

6) Incorrect Towel Drying : It is a natural human tendency to rub their hair with a towel after having a shower. That’s what we have grown up learning, and that’s how we thought we need to dry our hair. But the motion in which your towel moves matters and affects your hair. The most effective way to dry your hair without damaging it is by wrapping your towel around your hair and leave it for some time.

7) Avoiding hair trims and hair cut : Cutting your hair is healthy for your hair as it keeps the split ends at bay. It promotes healthy growth of your hair by cutting down all the split ends before they become a problem and halt your hair growth.

8) Eating disorders /malnutrition: Your relationship with a balanced diet makes your relationship with hair healthier. Malnutrition affects your hair growth cycle due to the absence of necessary nutrients for your hair growth.

Investing a considerable amount of time, practicing a balanced diet, and a proper hair care routine can improve the condition of your hair. It doesn’t take much, but a little attention to what your hair needs can resolve the issue and promote its healthy growth. You can visit the hair salon in frisco texas, for timely hair trims and haircuts, which also contribute to a healthier growth of hair.

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