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Why Stage Intervention For Alcoholics?

35412    06/19/2018    Mental Health    160  / 

Statistics show that in United States alone, millions of adults aged from 18 years drink alcohol. Surveys from various agencies have also shown that millions of adults suffer from alcohol addiction. Some of the alcoholics are able to control their drinking without formal luxury treatment while others can’t do it on their own. Friends as well as families of the addicts may have no option but to stage intervention. By staging intervention, they will be able to convince their loved ones that their alcohol dependence is affecting them.

What’s Intervention?

Intervention simply refers to one-on-one meeting with the addict and explaining to him or her that their drinking behavior is disastrous to their health as well as well-being. Staging intervention enables the family members or friends of the addict to direct him or her to seek help from a doctor, mutual-support groups or detox programs that will help them recover from addiction. Family members, relatives or friends of the addicts show them that they have a big problem and inform them that they need to change their behaviors before the situation gets out of hand.

Family members or friends of the addicts explain to them how their behaviors of abusing alcohol is destructive to their lives as well as how it affects people close to them. In addition, they are able to convince the addicts to seek help from professional healthcare and even explore the right treatment options for the addicts. They are able to explain to the addicts about the consequences in case they reject the treatment plan offered.

Steps for Intervention

Planning is the first step of intervention. It requires specific as well as thought-out attention to the circumstances and needs of the addicts. Physicians or therapists are experienced in planning intervention for alcoholics. They can also offer valuable treatment and medical information.

The second step of intervention is preparing others for the process. In most cases, the process is dramatic and emotionally charged. Resentment and betrayal by the addict may be discussed. Such issues need to be handled by healthcare professionals.

Gathering intervention team is the third step. The addicts may not accept to attend the gathering because of the possible backlash. The intervention team should be led by someone the addict is comfortable with.

The forth step is giving consequences. Addicts may walk away if they aren’t interested in the process. To show how you are serious, the addict should be slapped with consequences. For instance, the addict may not be allowed to visit their children or not to drive cars.

Sharing is the fifth step. Everyone on the team is supposed to speak so that the addict knows how his or her behavior affect them or how they feel about his or her behavior.

The sixth step is presenting treatment options. The detailed suggestions or recommendations for treatment are given to the addicts after the intervention team has spoken with the addict. For instance, the team may recommend detox programs, rehab programs and many more. The intervention team should convince the addict to accept the suggested treatment options or give them time to think if they are comfortable with the recommendations.

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