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How To Burn Calories Doing Yoga

35316    04/26/2018    Yoga and Exercise    151  / 

Summary: Understand how yoga not only helps in reduction of accumulated fat but also helps increase metabolic rate and create healthy consumption habits

Yoga is not put so much in the weight loss context as other new age exercise routines, be it Gym or Zumba. May be this is because yoga is not a physical exercise in the sense these methods are. This ancient science of mind-body wellness can be rooted in ancient India where the approach to health was holistic, taking in physical as well as mental impacts into the fold of health improvement. Therefore, if yoga is to be put in the weight loss context, it has to be a conscious change in fitness and food habits. Add harmonized breath to body movement with that and we have a fully effective weight control routine with yoga.

Let’s go through a list of postures and breathing techniques of yoga essential to our purpose:


A truly basic yoga pose meant for all age groups and practice levels, simhasana or the lion posture is noted for its weight reducing capacity. Facilitating a taut stretch in the thorax and spine, as well as facial muscles with this posture, you can vanish an emerging double chin within no time and also wither out your cheek muscles.

The pose is riddled with multiple benefits. With continuous practice, simhasana can level out stress and tension on the chest and face. Besides, simhasana brings life to platysma- a thin rectangular muscle that lies at the throat’s front. Keeping this muscle firm is possible through simhasana and this keeps the doubling chin away.

The benefits of this pose spread in the entire facial zone, get rid of respiratory tract infections, cure bad breath, relief from treat stuttering, back pain, clenched jaw, and teeth grinding.


Ananta means infinite, and denotes the capacities of Lord Vishnu- the supreme creator. This asana is deemed fit for everyone at the beginner-intermediate level. Besides a deep stretch in the legs, it is also a hip opener and serves as a balancing method in the reclined position.

You are welcome to use yoga props and body balancing pillows to achieve the deepest impacts of this posture. Also, it is advisable to resist by exacting yourself in this posture if neck and shoulder is an affliction you are dealing with at the moment. On the other hand, if your flexibility permits, by drawing the lower knee closer to your ear, the posture could be deepened.

The targeted area of fat dilution with this posture is the stomach and upper back. By toning abdominal muscles, this posture improves digestion. Besides, it stretches and builds strength on the sides of the torso, the hamstrings are strengthened, and weight is cut down in hips and thighs.


This is the eighth pose in the Surya Namaskara series of postures. Resembling the raised hood of a serpent, this energizing backbend helps in providing some impact on the lower abdomen where fat layers tend to accumulate.

The bhujangasana is a great pose meant to regulate metabolism and put a check upon random weight increase. It builds strength and stimulates the digestive, urinary, and reproductive systems, thus gifting the practitioner with momentous health benefits. You can also take up bhujangasana for the shaping of the buttocks, and toning up the loose muscles of the lower belly.


Pranayama or synchronized controlled breathing is an integral part of the yogic discipline. The discipline makes sure of burning excessive fat in the body by hyper activating the metabolic rate. There are a number of useful pranayamas—Bhastrika, Kapalbhati, Suryabheda, and more.

Yoga and pranayama are also observed for its effect on the hypothalamic centers of the body which results in the control of thirst and the sensation of satisfaction. As you acquire a satiated feeling with consumption of a lesser quantity of food, weight loss will become inevitable.

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